Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Business with a flare

I always find it hard to be professional but still stating true to who I am & my own personal style so normally when i have to wear something conservative I add in a stylish (normally bright) jacket which is tailored but still cool.
I don't have as much of a problem when i comes to my nails, I'm lucky to have quiet a few nude-ish nail polishes in my collection so i just mix them up with some of my favourite glitters.

This is what i think is the perfect combo for that casual business situation, the nude colour is very demur but the glitter shows your fun.

Having it only on one finger shows your serious but have a flare

I used:

Yummy Mummy ~ Butter London

Rainbow Connection ~ OPI

These are 2 of my all time favourite polishes, i love them both so much i don't like using them for fear they will run out... I know I'm weird!

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